Are you having difficulties entering data into the government's Wide Area Workflow system, also known as WAWF? Do your invoices keep getting rejected and you don't know why? And don't know where to turn? Is this causing cash issues? These could be signs you need help invoicing the federal government. Many small businesses get lost in the complicated maze of the WAWF online portal and then find they can't get issues resolved from their helpdesk. Many companies are often confused using WAWF. They don't understand how to process invoices correctly. But at Reliant, we do this daily and we're very familiar with the proper procedure and protocol. The top five reasons government payments get withheld are: failure to understand the system instructions, mismatched bill costs with the contract terms, incorrect provisional billing rates, and billing in excess of the contract ceiling level. These errors are directly related to the lack of training, experience, or not operating a DCAA compliant accounting system properly. At Reliant, we have experts with over 100 combined years of experience in invoicing the government and can ensure your invoices and cost vouchers are submitted and processed on time. Visit our WAWF invoicing services page and fill out the form to contact us today.
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Application templates Std 678 Form: What You Should Know
STUDENT β Applicant is required to provide proof of current enrollment in a college, university or technical college with an Associate's degree or higher. Applicant's GPA at any institution of higher education should be 2.00 or higher. CAREER β Applicant's career is in or has been in any of the field(s) listed above and in the following occupations may indicate successful completion of at least 18 academic credit hours. Applicant should be able to perform the duties and should have completed a minimum of 18 credit hours of coursework, including a minimum of 18 academic credit hours comprising the following subjects. SUBJECT OF STUDENT β Applicant has completed undergraduate education or a career training program. The student has demonstrated a competency with the coursework of at least 1 semester of general biology required by the examination OR 3 semesters of general chemistry required by the examination and has demonstrated that a minimum of 18 semester hours of coursework in at least one area of biology, life sciences, biochemistry, mathematics or a physical science has been completed as specified in the California educational code. Student has successfully completed the university's academic requirements in the same subject area as applicable to the examination. SUBJECT OF CAREER β Applicant is a person who is currently employed in any of the following occupation(s). Employer must have approved the appropriate personnel rules and regulations. Applicant must be in good standing with the employer's organization in this occupation. The employer should verify all required documents and that the applicant does not pose undue risk to the person or to the public. Employer should verify all required documents. Subsequent interviews are mandatory in order to assure compliance with all approved personnel requirements. Work experience must be equivalent to at least 16 months of education experience. Work experience must be in an eligible occupation(s). Work experience must be obtained in the last 8 months. Other documentation is acceptable for work experience in any applicable occupation(s) but not necessary for obtaining the benefit of this benefit. Employer, or a person with authority to certify the experience, should verify that the education degree/exam that is verified is equivalent to one of the following: Examination β CPE-A Filing β Filing-A Examination β CAQ-A or NCAA Filing β CAQ-E Additional information concerning the applicant's educational credentials can be found in the CA regulations.
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